The Sir Garnet– Lacons ‘George Plunkett’
“Five goths walk into a bar, and only one of them was drinking cider.” This isn’t exactly how my evening began, but it’s close enough. A last minute invitation to the pub resulted in accidentally joining the Deviant Society’s pub crawl (Deviant Soc being the UEA’s rock/metal group). It actually only ended up being two pubs due to a mix of apathy, it being a Tuesday night and the fact The Sir Garnet had some decent beers on. Tonight’s beer was an exclusive to the Garnet, brewed especially for them by Lacons, to commemorate the opening of the George Plunkett Room overlooking the market. The beer, handily also called George Plunkett, was a welcoming amber hue (looked lovely in the candlelight), easy to drink with a subtle fruit aftertaste (I’m told it was mango) and a little bite. As we supped our beers we tried to work out where each of Mr. Plunkett’s photos was taken, as his black and white images of our fine city were displayed on the walls. Questions like ‘why doesn’t Norwich have a Hippodrome anymore?’, ‘how many lectures can you miss before they notice?’ and ‘which is better, a 64 or 32-bit system?’ were discussed at length before comparing our favourite places to buy boots. Outside, a photographer was snapping a model posing by some bins.
“Must be Norwich Fashion Week” someone commented, without a hint of sarcasm, as we put our black coats on over our black clothes and out into the night.