Who says we didn’t deserve to be there? No one, that’s who.
Don’t let it into your home.
Technical excellence and brilliant storytelling
C'est l'adore.
A very well-observed study of aggression, competitiveness, friendship, and “maleness.”
In short, The Danish Girl doesn’t have any balls.
Han is dead. Shut up.
A demented, stupid, fun, hilarious rollercoaster of a film
Spectre verges on the stupid
Our lowdown on who should win what and why.
This is a very complicated film, guys
A very fine film.
Absolutely the film that The Phantom Menace should have been.
Spielberg machine-guns it to death
It fails on every level.
Warm, quirky, charming and thoroughly enjoyable
iRecommend this highly.
A bona fide masterpiece
The kids'll LAV IT!
Wilfully stupid instead of just stupid
There’s also a cock-nosed fella and a squirrel with tits. And all this happens underwater.
The overall effect is a mess of a film
3/10. Oh dear.
Jay and Smiley’s Arockalypse Now!
Hawk Eyes smash it at the Waterfront studio
It’s delicious
“Exodus…” is impressive, but it didn’t move me.
It’s certainly not bad.
Gone Girl is a damn fine film
This, then, is a very graphic Equalizer.
Flawed but thoroughly enjoyable
It was cool and very action-y.
Some of the dialogue is laugh-out-loud, face-slapping twattery
If you liked the first several, you’ll like this one.
Here we go again. Yet ANOTHER superhero film.
Thanks Hollywood! You’ve solved racism. Again. Now do war and we can all go home.
It may have lost the awards-season race to more serious or spectacular runners, but American Hustle is my favourite film of the year so far.
Ground-breaking visuals, nail-biting drama and Clooney’s massive dreamy face.
If her beautifully balanced tragicomic performance doesn’t win the best actress Oscar at next month’s ceremony I’ll eat a big bag of dicks.
The cinematic equivalent of having your head wrapped in flashing Christmas-tree lights while someone tries to surprise you with an air-horn.
Sure, it looks good – great in fact – and the frequent action is uncompromising and well done, but it’s all a bit ham-fisted.
Eeloo? Warner Brothers? Ees Guillermo Del Torro ‘ere.
Zombies, eh? Can't live with 'em, can't live without ‘em wanting to eat your kids...
This is the part Vin Diesel was born to play, not because of his thespian skills, but because he’s almost named after van fuel.
Come for the eye-candy, but stay for the story.
If a film has a twist, but the twist is in the middle of the film, then it’s not really a twist, is it?
Kathryn Bigelow’s ‘Where’s Osama?’ is an intelligent film - uncompromisingly so, in fact - but I question its wisdom.
Technically it is near perfect, the performances are exemplary, the plot is classic literature...
I wonder why Peter Jackson has decided to… That much? Yes, I guess it would make financial sense to do it that way.
It’s intelligently crafted, brilliantly acted, flawlessly authentic and consistently gripping.
"It’s a breathtakingly brutal, tear-pissingly moving and savagely beautiful odyssey of a young girl’s struggle for survival..."
"the film has a cool quasi-steampunk groove to it, and it’s paced well enough that the bloody stupidity doesn’t get in the way" - Jay works his way through Looper
Obviously, my drawers are bulging with Dick, so do I really need to make space in my DVD cabinet for yet another take on his canon?
Gone is the boil-in-the-bag kookiness we’ve come to expect; this is a truly sumptuous and lavish affair.
This month our chef is Joss Whedon and his ingredients are prime beef, short-crust pastry, mushrooms, and a piece of dog-shit.
So, picture the scene: A desperate Hollywood film exec scans his child’s bedroom. He senses potential inspiration and plunges his arm, elbow deep, into the nearby toy-box.
Outline's Jay Freeman gives us all the gory details from his day in London meeting the big names from Prometheus...
"Undeniably though, here a film stripped of colour and sound reminds us that it is great storytelling that distinguishes a work." - Jay reviews the masterpiece, The Artist
It’s high-tech, slick, completely preposterous and, while it’s not the best of the series (that would be number 1) it’s not the worst (3).
Like Obama, it is stylish and intelligent; like Bush, it is twisty and dense; and, like Kennedy, it is expertly shot.
Friends with Benefits manages to have its cake and eat it, but do Timberlake and Kunis? I think you’ll enjoy finding out.
As a depiction of domestic abuse it is shocking but never gratuitous. Most importantly, as a story it is utterly compelling.