They dove headfirst from the highest rafters of the church, or dropped seemingly without control from the top of a rope... - Lizz reviews the dazzling How Like an Angel...
"Like a true pie-eyed piper, the crowd slowly start delivering liquor-based appreciation to the stage..." - Bob conjures a generous spirit as Emma finds out.
"Although the equipment used is very modern, the experience felt very ancient...being told a story by a group of what felt like magicians." - Lizz reviews the Paper Cinema Odyssey
"They only believe in sex outside marriage if you’re related - as they tell the audience before they launch into a song about having sex with Jesus!" - Smiley reviews the naughty Wau Wau Sisters.
"It’s all ‘Ride me hard’ and ‘show us your horse box’ in a double-entendre filled entertainment that takes some increasingly odd flights of fancy." - Louisa reviews Flick Ferdinando's one-woman show...
From start to finish, the show was naughty and delicious. Which are about the only dietary requirements for a Friday night, don’t you think? - Emma reviews the late-night Spiegeltent show...
"It's a performer with 200 arms, 100 minds and surely many doubts that have been convicted by curiosity, interest, openness and trust in unknown people." - The Theatre Company responsible explain 100% Norfolk...
Outline's Top Five picks of the Spiegeltent shows...
The NNF Volunteer Experience by Robin Jolley...
"I always take a turquoise ring with me to remind myself of the amazing blue skies of home. Also I could probably trade the ring for a scotch egg if things got rough." - Rennie Sparks on remembering home on the road...